Atlas of the Soul

Clinical supervision | Feeding your Demons | Child bereavement support

There are many maps that guide us in working out who we are, what it means to be human, and what it is to live a good life. Different maps speak to different people.  

What maps have you inherited? What maps have you chosen? and what maps do you actually need?

About me

My training was initially in psychodynamic psychotherapy with LAPP, the London Association of Primal Psychotherapists, in the 1990s. I am an accredited member of BACP. 

I trained to work with bereaved children with Winston’s Wish, under the supervision of Julie Stokes. I have also trained with Solihin and Alicia Thom in Inner dialogue over 20 years.

More recently I have trained as a Feeding Your Demons facilitator, at Tara Mandala in the USA. Plus as a clinical supervisor with Robin and Joan Wilmot at CSTD.

My services

Clinical supervision

Child Bereavement Support

Feeding your demons

Please contact me if you would like to discuss working with me in any of these capacities.
